Case Study
Gisbert Kapp – University of Birmingham

Project Overview
In 2020, Lynx LED were engaged by Siemens to be a
preferred Contractor for an extensive campus wide project
at the University of Birmingham.
The University of Birmingham will become the first University
in the world to rollout Internet of Things (IoT) technology at
scale. As such, LYNXled were tasked with uplifting the lighting
within Gisbert Tower to LED, whilst also incorporating the
Enlighted IoT technology.
At Gisbert Kapp, the new LED was seamlessly integrated
into the building, directly matching those areas refurbished
with LED already.
The building was purposely designed with fine ferrous
cables running through the entirety of the concrete structure,
which added additional complexity to the project. This acted
as a giant Faraday Cage, as it was originally the Electrical
Engineering building.
Preliminary wireless signal tests were undertaken around
the building, to ensure the Smart Campus Technology
would operate as intended.
The survey, design, specification and installation
took a combined total of 6 weeks, encompassing a
total of +1,000 luminaires to complete the building.

01282 682850
Ribble Court
1 Mead Way
Shuttleworth Mead Business Park
BB12 7NG