Case Study

John Street Car Park – Stoke on Trent

Project Overview

The existing lighting within the multi-storey car park was
a checker-board array of warm colour temperature, twin 5ft non-corrosive battens, with no auto controls in evidence.

The luminaires had degraded to such an extent that the output of each had reduced by an estimated 40% since the date of installation. Additionally, many of the EM indicators had either failed or were obscured.

As the luminaires randomly failed, the onsite Maintenance team had spot replaced the T8 fluorescent battens with cool white LED battens. Although the lux levels were increased, the overall effect was to reduce the visual clarity of the low ceiling environment due to the mix of cool and warm colour outputs.

Lynx replaced all the existing battens with cool
temperature LED, to increase the lighting for compliance,
but also improve the visual acuity of the environment for
an improved perception of safety and security.

For greater energy savings, all the battens around the perimeter included an integral sensor commissioned to
auto-dim when daylight ingress is sufficient.

The floodlights on the roof were reduced from 250W to
asymm 80w, allowing for them to be tilted no greater than 15 degrees as required for reducing glare into adjacent properties, whilst also adhering to the Dark Skies Initiative.



01282 682850

Ribble Court
1 Mead Way
Shuttleworth Mead Business Park
BB12 7NG

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